Green dating canada

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In Haines, Michael R; Steckel, Richard Hall. Bottle DOES NOT Have Vertical Side Mold Seams. In short, there was and is nothing to stop a glassmaker from using an obsolete method in the production of a bottle. Literature Main article: Canadian literature is often divided into French- and English-language literatures, which are rooted in the literary traditions of France and Britain, respectively. Ultimately May failed in her bid to get elected in Central Nova, losing to McKay by 18,240 votes 46. In the 1980s, Prime Minister 's Prime Conservatives abolished the NEP and changed the name of FIRA toto encourage foreign investment. Through their language, andIndigenous peoples continue to influence the Canadian identity. Green dating canada was also the most popular Green candidate in the 1997 federal election, scoring over 6% of the popular vote in Pan Kootenay-Okanagan. University of Toronto Press.

Its extend from the Atlantic to the Pacific and northward into the Arctic Ocean, covering 9. Canada's southern is the world's longest bi-national land border. As a whole, Canada is sparsely populated, the majority of its land area being dominated by forest and tundra. Consequently, its population is highly , with 82 percent of the 35. Its capital is , and its three are , , and. Various have inhabited what is now Canada for thousands of years prior to European colonization. Beginning in the 16th century, the and established colonies, the first being the established by France in 1535. As a consequence of , gained and lost territory until, by the late 18th century, it controlled most of what comprises Canada today. On July 1, 1867, the colonies of , , and were federated to form the semi-autonomous named Canada. This began an of provinces and territories to the to the present ten provinces and three territories forming contemporary Canada. Canada achieved independence gradually beginning with in the 1830s and culminating with the in 1982. In 1931, Canada achieved near-total independence from the United Kingdom with the , except for the power to amend. Canada is a and a , with Queen being the. The country is at the federal level. It is one of the world's most ethnically diverse and nations, the product of from many other countries. Its advanced economy is the , relying chiefly upon its abundant natural resources and well-developed international trade networks. Canada's with the United States has had a significant impact on its economy and culture. Canada is a and has the nominal per capita income globally as well as the ranking in the. It in international measurements of government transparency, civil liberties, quality of life, economic freedom, and education. Canada is a within the , a member of the , and part of several major international and intergovernmental institutions or groupings including the , the , the formerly , the , the , the and the forum. In 1535, indigenous inhabitants of the present-day region used the word to direct French explorer to the village of. Cartier later used the word Canada to refer not only to that particular village but to the entire area subject to the chief at Stadacona ; by 1545, European books and maps had begun referring to this small region along the as Canada. In 1791, the area became two British colonies called and collectively named ; until their union as the British in 1841. Upon in 1867, Canada was adopted as the legal name for the new country at the London Conference, and the word was conferred as the country's title. The transition away from the use of Dominion was formally reflected in 1982 with the passage of the , which refers only to Canada. Later that year, the name of the national holiday was. The term Dominion is also used to distinguish the federal government from the provinces, though after the the term federal had replaced dominion. The are generally hypothesized to have migrated from by way of the and arrived at least 14,000 years ago. The archaeological sites at and are two of the oldest sites of human habitation in Canada. The characteristics of Canadian indigenous societies included permanent settlements, agriculture, complex societal hierarchies, and trading networks. Some of these cultures had collapsed by the time European explorers arrived in the late 15th and early 16th centuries and have only been discovered through archeological investigations. The at the time of the first European settlements is estimated to have been between 200,000 and two million, with a figure of 500,000 accepted by Canada's. As a consequence of European colonization, the population of Canada's indigenous peoples declined by forty to eighty percent, and several First Nations, such as the , disappeared. The decline is attributed to several causes, including the , such as , , and to which they had no natural immunity, conflicts over the fur trade, conflicts with the colonial authorities and settlers, and the loss of indigenous lands to settlers and the subsequent collapse of several nations' self-sufficiency. Although not without conflict, ' early interactions with First Nations and Inuit populations were relatively peaceful. First Nations and Métis peoples played a critical part in the development of , particularly for their role in assisting European and in the exploration of the continent during the. However, from the late 18th century, European Canadians encouraged indigenous peoples to assimilate into their own culture. These attempts reached a climax in the late 19th and early 20th centuries with and. A period of redress is underway, which started with the appointment of the by the in 2008. European colonization The first known attempt at began when settled briefly at in around 1000 AD. No further European exploration occurred until 1497, when Italian seafarer explored and claimed Canada's in the name of King. Then and mariners established seasonal whaling and fishing outposts along the Atlantic coast in the early 16th century. In general the settlements appear to have been short-lived, possibly due to the similarity of outputs producible in Scandinavia and northern Canada and the problems of navigating trade routes at that time. In 1583, Sir , by the of , founded , as the first North American. French explorer arrived in 1603 and established the first permanent European settlements at in 1605 and in 1608. Among the of , extensively settled the Saint Lawrence River valley and settled the present-day , while and explored the , , and the to. The broke out in the mid-17th century over control of the. The English established additional settlements in , beginning in 1610 and the to the south were founded soon after. A series of erupted in colonial North America between 1689 and 1763; the later wars of the period constituted the North American theatre of the. Mainland came under British rule with the 1713 , and Canada and most of New France came under British rule in 1763 after the Seven Years' War. The established First Nation treaty rights, created the out of New France, and annexed to Nova Scotia. John's Island now became a separate colony in 1769. To avert conflict in Quebec, the British Parliament passed the of 1774, expanding Quebec's territory to the Great Lakes and. More importantly, the Quebec Act afforded Quebec special autonomy and rights of self-administration at a time that the Thirteen Colonies were increasingly agitating against British rule. It re-established the , , and there, staving off the growth of an independence movement in contrast to the Thirteen Colonies. The Proclamation and the Quebec Act in turn angered many residents of the Thirteen Colonies, further fuelling anti-British sentiment in the years prior to the. After the successful American War of Independence, the recognized the independence of the newly formed United States and set the terms of peace, ceding British North American territories south of the Great Lakes to the new country. The American war of independence also caused a large out-migration of the settlers who had fought against American independence. Many moved to Canada, particularly Atlantic Canada, where their arrival changed the demographic distribution of the existing territories. To accommodate the influx of English-speaking Loyalists in Central Canada, the of 1791 divided the province of Canada into French-speaking later and English-speaking later , granting each its own elected legislative assembly. Peace came in 1815; no boundaries were changed. Immigration resumed at a higher level, with over 960,000 arrivals from Britain between 1815—50. New arrivals included refugees escaping the as well as -speaking Scots displaced by the. Infectious diseases killed between 25 and 33 percent of Europeans who immigrated to Canada before 1891. The desire for resulted in the abortive. The subsequently recommended responsible government and the assimilation of French Canadians into English culture. The merged the Canadas into a united and responsible government was established for all provinces of by 1849. The signing of the by Britain and ended the , extending the border westward along the. This paved the way for British colonies on and in. In 1867, the same year as Canadian Confederation, Britain declined to purchase for Canada the Alaska territory that was to that point tenuously held by Russia. With instead, clearly demarcated borders for Canada, although there would continue to be some disputes about the exact demarcation of the Alaska-Yukon and Alaska-BC border for years to come. Confederation and expansion An animated map showing since Confederation in 1867 Following several constitutional conferences, the officially proclaimed on July 1, 1867, initially with four provinces: , Quebec, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick. Canada assumed control of and the to form the , where the Métis' grievances ignited the and the creation of the province of in July 1870. British Columbia and Vancouver Island which in 1866 joined the confederation in 1871, while Prince Edward Island joined in 1873. To open to European immigration, parliament also approved sponsoring the construction of three transcontinental railways including the , opening the prairies to settlement with the , and establishing the to assert its authority over this territory. In 1898, during the in the Northwest Territories, parliament created the Yukon Territory. Early 20th century Canadian soldiers and a at the in 1917 Because Britain still maintained control of Canada's foreign affairs under the , its declaration of war in 1914 automatically brought. Volunteers sent to the later became part of the , which played a substantial role in the and other major engagements of the war. Out of approximately 625,000 Canadians who served in World War I, some 60,000 were killed and another 172,000 were wounded. The erupted when the Cabinet's proposal to augment the military's dwindling number of active members with was met with vehement objections from French-speaking Quebecers. The Military Service Act brought in compulsory military service, though it, coupled with disputes over French language schools outside Quebec, deeply alienated Francophone Canadians and temporarily split the Liberal Party. In 1919, Canada joined the independently of Britain, and the affirmed Canada's independence. Canadian crew of a Sherman tank, south of , France, during the in June 1944 The during the early 1930s saw an economic downturn, leading to hardship across the country. In response to the downturn, the CCF in Saskatchewan introduced many elements of a as pioneered by in the 1940s and 1950s. On the advice of Prime Minister , effective September 10, 1939, by King , seven days after the United Kingdom. The delay underscored Canada's independence. The first Canadian Army units arrived in Britain in December 1939. In all, over a million Canadians served in the and approximately 42,000 were killed and another 55,000 were wounded. Canadian troops played important roles in many key battles of the war, including the failed 1942 , the , the , the , and the in 1944. Canada provided asylum for the while that country was and is credited by the Netherlands for major contributions to from. The Canadian economy boomed during the war as its industries manufactured military for Canada, Britain, , and the. Despite another in Quebec in 1944, Canada finished the war with a large army and strong economy. Contemporary era At , centre receives the bill finalizing the union of and Canada on March 31, 1949 The financial crisis of the had led the to relinquish responsible government in 1934 and become a ruled by a British governor. After two bitter , Newfoundlanders voted to join Canada in 1949 as a province. Canada's post-war economic growth, combined with the policies of successive Liberal governments, led to the emergence of a new , marked by the adoption of the in 1965, the implementation of English and French in 1969, and the institution of in 1971. Finally, another series of constitutional conferences resulted in the Canada Act, the of Canada's constitution from the United Kingdom, concurrent with the creation of the. Canada had established complete sovereignty as an independent country, although the Queen retained her role as monarch of Canada. In 1999, became Canada's third territory after a series of negotiations with the federal government. At the same time, Quebec underwent profound social and economic changes through the of the 1960s, giving birth to a secular movement. The radical FLQ ignited the with a series of bombings and kidnappings in 1970 and the was elected in 1976, organizing an on sovereignty-association in 1980. Attempts to accommodate Quebec nationalism constitutionally through the failed in 1990. This led to the formation of the in Quebec and the invigoration of the in the West. A followed in 1995, in which sovereignty was rejected by a slimmer margin of 50. In 1997, the ruled that by a province would be unconstitutional and the was passed by parliament, outlining the terms of a negotiated departure from Confederation. In addition to the issues of Quebec sovereignty, a number of crises shook Canadian society in the late 1980s and early 1990s. These included the explosion of in 1985, the largest mass murder in Canadian history; the in 1989, a targeting female students; and the of 1990, the first of a number of violent confrontations between the government and indigenous groups. Canada also joined the in 1990 as part of a US-led coalition force and was active in several peacekeeping missions in the 1990s, including the mission in the. Canada sent , but declined to join the U. In 2011, Canadian forces participated in the NATO-led intervention into the , and also became involved in battling the insurgency in Iraq in the mid-2010s. Canada stretches from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west; to the north lies the Arctic Ocean. By total area including its waters , Canada is the in the world, after. By land area alone, however, Canada , the difference being due to it having the world's largest proportion of fresh water lakes. Of Canada's , only two are landlocked Alberta and Saskatchewan while the other eleven all directly border one of three oceans. Canada is home to the world's northernmost settlement, , on the northern tip of — latitude 82. Much of the is covered by ice and. Canada has the longest coastline in the world, with a total length of 243,042 kilometres 151,019 mi ; additionally, its border with the United States is the world's longest land border, stretching 8,891 kilometres 5,525 mi. Three of Canada's arctic islands, , and , are among the ten largest in the world. Since the end of the last , Canada has consisted of eight distinct forest regions, including extensive forest on the Canadian Shield. Canada has over 2,000,000 lakes—563 greater than 100 km 2 39 sq mi —which is more than any other country, containing much of the world's. There are also fresh-water glaciers in the and the. The as seen from the east near. Summits left to right are , and. Canada is geologically active, having many earthquakes and potentially active volcanoes, notably , , , and the. The volcanic eruption of the in 1775 was among Canada's worst natural disasters, killing an estimated 2,000 and destroying their village in the valley of northern British Columbia. The eruption produced a 22. Average winter and summer high vary from region to region. In noncoastal regions, snow can cover the ground for almost six months of the year, while in parts of the north snow can persist year-round. Coastal British Columbia has a temperate climate, with a mild and rainy winter. On the east and west coasts, average high temperatures are generally in the low 20s °C 70s °F , while between the coasts, the average summer high temperature ranges from 25 to 30 °C 77 to 86 °F , with temperatures in some interior locations occasionally exceeding 40 °C 104 °F. Canada has a within the context of a , the being the foundation of the executive, , and branches. The Canadian monarchy is a separate legal institution from the monarchy of the , though the two offices are held by the same individual. The sovereign is Queen , who is also monarch of and each of Canada's 10 provinces. As such, the Queen's representative, the at present , carries out most of the federal royal duties in Canada. The direct participation of the royal and viceroyal figures in areas of governance is limited. In practice, their use of the executive powers is directed by , a committee of responsible to the elected and chosen and headed by the at present , the. The governor general or monarch may, though, in certain crisis situations exercise their power without ministerial. To ensure the stability of government, the governor general will usually appoint as prime minister the person who is the current leader of the political party that can obtain the confidence of a in the House of Commons. The PMO is thus one of the most powerful institutions in government, initiating most legislation for parliamentary approval and selecting for appointment by the Crown, besides the aforementioned, the governor general, , senators, federal court judges, and heads of and government agencies. The leader of the party with the second-most seats usually becomes the and is part of an adversarial parliamentary system intended to keep the government in check. Constitutionally, an election may be held no more than five years after the preceding election, although the limits this to four years with a fixed election date in October. The 105 members of the Senate, whose seats are apportioned on a regional basis, serve until age 75. Five parties had representatives elected to the federal parliament in the 2015 election: the who currently form the government, the who are the , the , the , and the. The within the on divides government responsibilities between the federal government and the ten provinces. Canada's three territories also have legislatures, but these are not sovereign and have fewer constitutional responsibilities than the provinces. The territorial legislatures also differ structurally from their provincial counterparts. The is the of the country. In addition, the and utilize the agency for financial planning and economic policy development. The Bank of Canada is the sole authority authorized to issue currency in the form of. The bank does not issue ; they are issued by the. Law Main article: The is the supreme law of the country, and consists of written text and unwritten conventions. The Constitution Act, 1867 known as the prior to 1982 , affirmed governance based on parliamentary precedent and divided powers between the federal and provincial governments. The granted full autonomy and the , ended all legislative ties to the UK, as well as adding a constitutional amending formula and the. The Charter guarantees basic rights and freedoms that usually cannot be over-ridden by any government—though a allows the federal parliament and provincial legislatures to override certain sections of the Charter for a period of five years. The Indian Chiefs Medal, presented to commemorate the of 1871—1921 The , various treaties and case laws were established to mediate relations between Europeans and native peoples. Most notably, a series of eleven treaties known as the were signed between the indigenous and the reigning Monarch of Canada between 1871 and 1921. These treaties are agreements with the Canadian , administered by , and overseen by the. The role of the treaties and the rights they support were reaffirmed by. These rights may include provision of services, such as health care, and exemption from taxation. The legal and policy framework within which Canada and First Nations operate was further formalized in 2005, through the First Nations—Federal Crown Political Accord. The in Ottawa, west of Parliament Hill plays an important role in interpreting laws and has the power to strike down Acts of Parliament that violate the constitution. The is the highest court and final arbiter and has been led since December 18, 2017 by Chief Justice. Its nine members are appointed by the governor general on the advice of the prime minister and minister of justice. All judges at the superior and appellate levels are appointed after consultation with non-governmental legal bodies. The federal Cabinet also appoints justices to superior courts in the provincial and territorial jurisdictions. Law enforcement, including criminal courts, is officially a provincial responsibility, conducted by provincial and municipal police forces. However, in most rural areas and some urban areas, policing responsibilities are contracted to the federal. The Canadian Delegation to the , San Francisco, May 1945 Canada is recognized as a for its role in international affairs with a tendency to pursue solutions. Canada's foreign policy based on international peacekeeping and security is carried out through coalitions and international organizations, and through the work of numerous federal institutions. The strategy of the reflects an emphasis to meet the , while also providing assistance in response to foreign humanitarian crises. Canada was a founding member of the United Nations and has membership in the , the and the OECD. Canada is also a member of various other international and regional organizations and forums for economic and cultural affairs. Canada acceded to the in 1976. Canada joined the OAS in 1990 and hosted the OAS General Assembly in 2000 and the in 2001. Canada seeks to expand its ties to economies through membership in the forum APEC. Prime Minister and U. President meet in Washington, February 2017 share the world's longest undefended border, co-operate on military campaigns and exercises, and are each other's. Canada nevertheless has an independent foreign policy, most notably maintaining full , and declining to officially participate in the. Canada also maintains historic ties to the and and to other former British and French colonies through Canada's membership in the and the. Canada is noted for having a positive , owing, in part, to its contribution to the. Canada's strong attachment to the British Empire and Commonwealth led to major participation in British military efforts in the , World War I and World War II. Since then, Canada has been an advocate for multilateralism, making efforts to resolve global issues in collaboration with other nations. During the , Canada was a major contributor to UN forces in the and founded the NORAD in co-operation with the United States to defend against potential aerial attacks from the Soviet Union. During the of 1956, future Prime Minister eased tensions by proposing the inception of the , for which he was awarded the 1957. As this was the first UN peacekeeping mission, Pearson is often credited as the inventor of the concept. Canada has since served in over 50 peacekeeping missions, including every UN peacekeeping effort until 1989, and has since maintained forces in international missions in , the former , and elsewhere; Canada has sometimes faced controversy over its involvement in foreign countries, notably in the 1993. Soldiers from in Kandahar Province in Afghanistan, pictured, fought with Dutch soldiers against. In 2001, Canada deployed troops to as part of the and the UN-authorized, NATO-led. In August 2007, Canada's were challenged after a to the ; Canada has considered that area to be sovereign territory since 1925. The nation employs a professional, volunteer military force of approximately 79,000 active personnel and 32,250 reserve personnel. The unified CF comprise the , , and. Following the 2016 Defence Policy Review, the Canadian government announced a 70% increase to the country's defence budget over the next decade. The Canadian Forces will acquire 88 fighter planes and 15 naval surface combatants, the latter as part of the. Provinces and territories See also: Canada is a federation composed of ten provinces and three. In turn, these may be grouped into : , , , and Eastern Canada refers to Central Canada and Atlantic Canada together. Provinces have more autonomy than territories, having responsibility for social programs such as , , and. Together, the provinces collect more revenue than the federal government, an almost unique structure among federations in the world. Using its spending powers, the federal government can initiate national policies in provincial areas, such as the ; the provinces can opt out of these, but rarely do so in practice. It is a member of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development OECD and the Group of Eight G8 , and is one of the world's top ten , with a highly economy. Canada is a , ranking above the US and most western European nations on 's index of economic freedom, and experiencing a relatively low level of. Since the early 20th century, the growth of Canada's manufacturing, mining, and service sectors has transformed the nation from a largely rural economy to an urbanized, industrial one. Like many other , the Canadian economy is dominated by the , which employs about three-quarters of the country's workforce. However, Canada is unusual among developed countries in the importance of its , in which the and are two of the most prominent components. Canada is one of the few developed nations that are net exporters of energy. Atlantic Canada possesses vast deposits of natural gas, and Alberta also hosts large oil and gas resources. The vastness of the and other assets results in Canada having a 13% share of global , comprising the world's third-largest share after and. Canada is additionally one of the world's largest suppliers of agricultural products; the Canadian Prairies are one of the most important global producers of wheat, , and other grains. Canada's provides statistics regarding its major exports; the country is a leading exporter of , , , , , , , and. Many towns in northern Canada, where agriculture is difficult, are sustainable because of nearby mines or sources of timber. Canada also has a sizeable manufacturing sector centred in southern Ontario and Quebec, with automobiles and representing particularly important industries. Canada's economic integration with the United States has increased significantly since. The of 1965 opened Canada's borders to trade in the automobile manufacturing industry. In the 1970s, concerns over energy self-sufficiency and foreign ownership in the manufacturing sectors prompted Prime Minister 's Liberal government to enact the NEP and the FIRA. In the 1980s, Prime Minister 's Progressive Conservatives abolished the NEP and changed the name of FIRA to , to encourage foreign investment. The FTA of 1988 eliminated tariffs between the two countries, while the NAFTA expanded the free-trade zone to include in 1994. As of 2015 , the country has produced thirteen in , , and , and was ranked fourth worldwide for scientific research quality in a major 2012 survey of international scientists. It is furthermore home to the headquarters of a number of global technology firms. Canada , with over 33 million users, equivalent to around 94 percent of its total 2014 population. The operates a highly active space program, conducting deep-space, planetary, and aviation research, and developing rockets and satellites. Canada was the third country to design and construct a satellite after the and the United States, with the 1962 launch. Canada is a participant in the ISS , and is a pioneer in space , having constructed the , and robotic manipulators for the ISS and NASA's. Since the 1960s, Canada's aerospace industry has designed and built numerous marques of satellite, including and , and. Canada has also produced one of the world's most successful and widely used , the ; over 1,000 Black Brants have been launched since the rocket's introduction in 1961. In 1984, became Canada's first male , followed by Canada's second and first female astronaut in 1992. The is the most densely populated and heavily industrialized region of Canada, spanning 1,200 kilometres 750 miles. The enumerated a of 35,151,728, an increase of around 5. Between 2011 and May 2016, Canada's population grew by 1. Between 1990 and 2008, the population increased by 5. The main drivers of population growth are and, to a lesser extent, natural growth. Canada has one of the highest per-capita immigration rates in the world, driven mainly by and, to a lesser extent,. The Canadian public as-well as the major political parties support the current level of immigration. In 2014, a total of 260,400 immigrants were admitted to Canada. The Canadian government anticipated between 280,000 and 305,000 new permanent residents in the following years. New immigrants settle mostly in major urban areas such as , and. Canada also accepts large numbers of , accounting for over 10 percent of annual global. Canada's population density, at 3. Canada spans latitudinally from the 83rd parallel north to the 41st parallel north, and approximately 95% of the population is found south of the 55th parallel north. About four-fifths of the population lives within 150 kilometres 93 mi of the border. The most densely populated part of the country, accounting for nearly 50 percent, is the , situated in Southern Quebec and Southern Ontario along the Great Lakes and the Saint Lawrence River. An additional 30 percent live along the British Columbia , and the in Alberta. In common with many other developed countries, Canada is experiencing a towards an older population, with more retirees and fewer people of working age. In 2006, the average age was 39. As of 2013 , the average for Canadians is 81 years. The majority of Canadians 69. The average size of a household in 2006 was 2. Main article: According to a 2012 report by the OECD , Canada is one of the most educated countries in the world; the country ranks first worldwide in the number of adults having , with 51 percent of Canadian adults having attained at least an undergraduate college or university degree. Canada spends about 5. The country invests heavily in tertiary education more than 20 000 USD per student. As of 2014 , 89 percent of adults aged 25 to 64 have earned the equivalent of a high-school degree, compared to an OECD average of 75 percent. Since the adoption of of the Constitution Act, 1982, education in both and has been available in most places across Canada. Canadian provinces and territories are. The mandatory school age ranges between 5—7 to 16—18 years, contributing to an adult literacy rate of 99 percent. In 2002, 43 percent of Canadians aged 25 to 64 possessed a post-secondary education; for those aged 25 to 34, the rate of post-secondary education reached 51 percent. The indicates that Canadian students perform well above the OECD average, particularly in mathematics, science, and reading. There are 600 recognized , encompassing a total of 1,525,565 people. Canada's indigenous population is growing at almost twice the national rate, and four percent of Canada's population claimed an indigenous identity in 2006. In 2016, the largest visible minority groups were 5. Between 2011 and 2016, the visible minority population rose by 18. In 1961, less than two percent of Canada's population about 300,000 people were members of visible minority groups. Indigenous peoples are not considered a visible minority under the , and this is the definition that Statistics Canada also uses. Religion Main article: Canada is religiously diverse, encompassing a wide range of beliefs and customs. Canada has no official church, and the government is officially committed to. The practice of religion is now generally considered a private matter throughout society and the state. With in decline after having once been central and integral to Canadian culture and daily life, Canada has become a , state. The majority of Canadians consider in their daily lives, but still believe in God. According to the 2011 census, 67. Much of the remainder is made up of , who accounted for approximately 27% in a 2011 survey. The largest Protestant is the accounting for 6. Secularization has been growing since the 1960s. As of the 2016 Census, just over 7. Some of the most common non-official first languages include 1,227,680 first-language speakers , 501,680 , 458,850 , 431,385 , 419,895 , 384,040 , and 375,645. Canada's federal government practices , which is applied by the in consonance with and the Federal English and French have equal status in federal courts, parliament, and in all federal institutions. Citizens have the right, where there is sufficient demand, to receive federal government services in either English or French and official- are guaranteed their own schools in all provinces and territories. The 1977 established French as the official language of Quebec. Although more than 85 percent of French-speaking Canadians live in Quebec, there are substantial populations in , , and ; has the largest French-speaking population outside Quebec. New Brunswick, the only officially bilingual province, has a French-speaking Acadian minority constituting 33 percent of the population. There are also clusters of Acadians in southwestern Nova Scotia, on Cape Breton Island, and through central and western Prince Edward Island. Other provinces have no official languages as such, but French is used as a language of instruction, in courts, and for other government services, in addition to English. Manitoba, Ontario, and Quebec allow for both English and French to be spoken in the provincial legislatures, and laws are enacted in both languages. In Ontario, French has some legal status, but is not fully co-official. There are 11 , composed of more than 65 distinct languages and dialects. Of these, only the , and languages have a large enough population of fluent speakers to be considered viable to. Several indigenous languages have official status in the Northwest Territories. Inuktitut is the majority language in Nunavut, and is one of three official languages in the territory. Additionally, Canada is home to many , some of which are Indigenous. ASL is spoken across the country due to the prevalence of ASL in primary and secondary schools. Due to its historical relation to the francophone culture, LSQ is spoken primarily in Quebec, although there are sizeable Francophone communities in New Brunswick, Ontario and Manitoba. A political cartoon from 1910 on Canada's early European multicultural identity, depicting the , the , the , and. Canada has placed emphasis on equality and inclusiveness for all its people. In Quebec, cultural identity is strong, and many commentators speak of a that is distinct from English Canadian culture. However, as a whole, Canada is, in theory, a —a collection of regional ethnic subcultures. Canada's approach to governance emphasizing multiculturalism, which is based on selective , , and of far-right politics, has wide public support. Government policies such as , to , the outlawing of , strong efforts to eliminate , strict , and the legalization of are further social indicators of Canada's political and. Canadians also identify with the country's health care institutions, , the and the. Through their language, and , Indigenous peoples continue to influence the Canadian identity. During the 20th century, Canadians with African, Caribbean and Asian nationalities have added to the Canadian identity and its culture. The primary characteristics of Canadian humour are irony, parody, and satire. Many have achieved international success in the American TV and film industries and are amongst the most recognized in the world. Canada has a well-developed , but its cultural output; particularly in , , and , is often overshadowed by imports from the United States. As a result, the preservation of a distinctly Canadian culture is supported by federal government programs, laws, and institutions such as the CBC , the NFB , and the CRTC. Symbols The mother beaver on the Canadian parliament's The five flowers on the shield each represent an ethnicity: : ; : ; : ; : ; and :. Canada's national symbols are influenced by natural, historical, and indigenous sources. The use of the as a Canadian symbol dates to the early 18th century. The maple leaf is depicted on Canada's and , and on the. The Arms of Canada are closely modelled after the with French and distinctive Canadian elements replacing or added to those derived from the British version. The is a governmental used for purposes of state, being set on , proclamations and commissions, for representatives of the Queen and for the appointment of , , senators, and judges. Other prominent symbols include the , , and , the Crown, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and more recently the and. The , removed from circulation in 2013, featured the maple leaf. The Queen' s image appears on , and on the obverse of all current Canadian coins. Literature Main article: Canadian literature is often divided into French- and English-language literatures, which are rooted in the literary traditions of France and Britain, respectively. There are four major themes that can be found within historical Canadian literature; nature, frontier life, Canada's position within the world, all three of which tie into the. By the 1990s, Canadian literature was viewed as some of the world's best. Canada's ethnic and cultural diversity are reflected in its literature, with many of its most prominent modern writers focusing on ethnic life. Arguably, the best-known living Canadian writer internationally especially since the deaths of and is , a prolific novelist, poet, and literary critic. Numerous other have accumulated international literary awards; including , who has been called the best living writer of short stories in English; and recipient , who is perhaps best known for the novel , which was adapted as a that won the. Oil on canvas, 1916, in the collection of the Canadian visual art has been dominated by figures such as — the country's most famous painter — and by the. Thomson's career painting Canadian landscapes spanned a decade up to his death in 1917 at age 39. The Group were painters with a nationalistic and idealistic focus, who first exhibited their distinctive works in May 1920. Though referred to as having seven members, five artists—, , , , and —were responsible for articulating the Group's ideas. They were joined briefly by , and by commercial artist. Associated with the Group was another prominent Canadian artist, , known for her landscapes and portrayals of the. Since the 1950s, works of have been given as gifts to foreign dignitaries by the Canadian government. Music Main article: The Canadian music industry is the sixth-largest in the world producing internationally renowned , and. Music broadcasting in the country is regulated by the CRTC. The presents Canada's music industry awards, the , which were first awarded in 1970. The established in 1976 honours Canadian musicians for their lifetime achievements. The earliest, , was written in 1812. The text was originally only in French before it was translated into English in 1906. Sport Canada's victory at the in Vancouver The date back to the 1770s. Canada's official national sports are and. Canada shares several with the United States. Canadian teams in these leagues include seven franchises in the , as well as three teams and one team in each of and the. Other popular professional sports in Canada include , which is played in the , lacrosse, and. Canada has participated in almost every Olympic Games since , and has hosted several high-profile international sporting events, including the , the , the , the , the and the. Most recently, Canada staged the and. Respondents generally are visibly European Anglophones and Francophones , however no-longer self-identify with their ethnic ancestral origins. This response is attributed to a multitude or generational distance from ancestral lineage. Source 1: Jack Jedwab April 2008. Association for Canadian Studies. Retrieved March 7, 2011. Source 2: Don Kerr 2007. Data is an aggregate of single and multiple responses. Total ethnic origin responses are the sum of single and multiple responses for each ethnic origin. Total response counts indicate the number of persons who reported a specified ethnic origin, either as their only origin or in addition to one or more other ethnic origins. 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